Ford Fails, Again

On April 16, 2021 Ontario extended its stay-at-home order, banned outdoor gatherings with people outside their household and shut down outdoor amenities like playgrounds, tennis and golf. It also stepped up enforcement powers for police in a bid to stem the exponential rise in Covid-19 cases. But it didn’t institute paid sick days for essential workers.

These measures are not based on science and do not make sense to most people. How many cases were there of Covid being transmitted at a playground?

A day later Ford reversed the decision to close playgrounds.

Here is the assessment from Ontario’s Covid-19 Science Advisory Table: “Without stronger system-level measures and immediate support for essential workers and high-risk communities, high case rates will persist through the summer.”

Finally, doctors are speaking out more forcefully. It remains to be seen if this has any impact on these policies.

“The root cause is the fact that the people in my ICU right now, who are essential workers or related to them, do not have adequate protection from the virus. The modelling was very clear.” (Dr. Michael Warner, Head of critical care at Michael Garron Hospital)

It’s worth listening to Rosemary Barton’s comments about Doug Ford. She is the CBC’s chief political correspondent, an astute observer of Canadian politics. It is obvious from what she says and her tone that she thinks that Ford skirting the truth and making the pandemic political is pretty despicable.

Glaringly absent from the emergency measures to reduce the spread of Covid are restrictions on workplaces. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board data indicated that more than 20,000 confirmed workplace cases of Covid -19 have been reported. Just since March 1, 2021, ministry inspectors have conducted 1,800 Covid -19-related field visits in the construction sector, issued over 3,770 orders on those visits and stopped unsafe work 11 times.

The one workplace restriction brought in by Ford was to shut down some non-essential construction such as shopping malls and large office buildings. Note that this does not include the huge residential construction industry. So in a choice between increasing infections, hospitalizations and deaths or a 4-6 week delay in people being able to move into a new home, why did Ford pick increasing deaths? A delay in construction means losses of millions of dollars to developers.

The list of businesses that the province deems as “essential” is a really long list. See the bottom of the page in

In response to a question from a reporter about closing more workplaces where we know transmission is occurring, Ford rejected it outright, saying that there is a “very deep supply chain” and many industries supply materials which are needed by essential services. He gave as an example that you cannot shut down the forestry industry because it supplies an important ingredient that is needed to make Aspirin.

It does not seem that any analysis has been made into this option. I’m sure that the pharmaceutical industry has enough inventory so that shutting down forestry for 4-6 weeks would not result in a shortage of Aspirin on pharmacy shelves. The same conclusion could be arrived at for many other “essential” services.

Using Ford criteria, a factory that makes paper clips could claim it was essential, because it supplies a product that is used in hospitals.

This makes it pretty clear that the fundamental problem with Doug Ford is that he is beholden to business interests. He needs their support to get re-elected. Even faced with a dire health situation and recommendations from many doctors and scientists, Doug Ford sacrifices public health for his own political interests.

Hopefully, enough people in Ontario will come to recognize this and never elect him for anything ever again.

Author: Ernie Dainow

In university the emerging field of using computers to understand the brain by simulating learning and thinking captivated me, culminating in a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science. My interests evolved from doing research to building systems. I worked on large mainframe computers, personal computers and network systems. My expertise spanned software development for academic and scientific research, business and financial applications, data communications, computer hardware products and the Internet. After retiring I began writing, sharing insights and interesting discoveries that are not widely known or understood outside of the computer field. You can download my free books from Apple Books, Google Play Books or

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