Virus Info Graphs

Highlights of the best info I have found. Not really a lot to read because the graphs tell it all. This is for people who are not afraid of math, statistics and graphs.

I think these graphs really show the whole story which is generally not being reported in the news. People are clinging to the hope that the recent closures (schools, restaurants, …) will flatten the curve and will end after the 3 week period. It’s clear from most countries that started on the Covid-19 path earlier this is pretty unrealistic for Canada.

World map, by country shows how Canada has been on a somewhat lower track than many other countries.

The US is on higher track, approaching Spain and Iran.  

But a detailed Canada graph of total cases by day shows how we have entered real exponential growth. Cases from Mar 15 to 18 have more than doubled, 250 to 569. This sudden change rattled Canadian Health authorities and led to a whole string of closures and other support measures being announced since last Friday. We probably will not stay on the lower track in the previous graph and will follow a path more like Europe.

Author: Ernie Dainow

In university the emerging field of using computers to understand the brain by simulating learning and thinking captivated me, culminating in a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science. My interests evolved from doing research to building systems. I worked on large mainframe computers, personal computers and network systems. My expertise spanned software development for academic and scientific research, business and financial applications, data communications, computer hardware products and the Internet. After retiring I began writing, sharing insights and interesting discoveries that are not widely known or understood outside of the computer field. You can download my free books from Apple Books, Google Play Books or

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